February 11, 2011

The Intersection of Opportunity or Just Turn the Page

State Of the Greens:
Whew am I glad it's Friday. It seems like I'm constantly on the go since Riley started working again. I never realized, till now, just how much he did and how much he helped me. His being off for over a year was truly a blessing, even if sometimes it felt like more of a curse. So here's my little shout out to my husband, thank you for all you've done and all you do. Maria and I miss and love you so much. 

Now back to our regular broadcast!
So I received my first issue of ReadyMade Magazine in the mail and so far I love it and I love it even more now that I found The Ready Set Go section. This section is a spotlight article on where one lives. The reason I'm particularly interested in this section is because a while back, maybe two years ago, I wrote a spotlight piece on the South Valley and why I love it so much. I sent this to Albuquerque The Magazine and it was never picked up, sad to say, so I never did anything else with the article. It's just been sitting on my computer taking up space. Today I found a new life for it.

While I was reading about Shelburne, Vermont my eyes were immediately drawn to the bottom left corner of the page.
"Pitch Us Tell us why you like your town at articles@readymade.com."
This is where my article slowly gained its heartbeat again. I think I can take what I have and mold it to the ReadyMade readers. It's gonna take some overhauling but this just might be the extra jolt I need to make my writing career take off.

It seems that I have discovered that little opportunity around the corner or in my case at the bottom left corner of a magazine page.

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