April 13, 2011


Everyone has something they're meant/destined to do with their lives and right now my goal is to find out what that something is. I think I'm pretty sure what I want/need to do but doing it is the key.

I'm happily married to a wonderful man, I have been blessed with a brilliant daughter but something is missing, oh wait I know, it's a career. It's not missing per se but it's not what I expected it would be and that's probably because I'm not doing something I love. I'm bored, I'm tired of the same old, I'm ready to do what I was destined to do. I'm going to write a book. I'm a dreamer by nature and it's time to make my dream happen.

So if you're in the same boat as I am, I think this might help. Today I listened to Todd's message from Sagebrush Community Church and it was exactly what I needed to hear at exactly the right time.

Dreamer Series Go to Dreamer Wk1

I'm not usually a church goer but Riley and I have been thinking about getting our butts into gear to make it to Sagebrush on Sunday mornings. This is the church we've been attending off and on since Maria was born and I think this message did the trick, not only to get us back into church but to start embarking on my dreams journey.

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