March 14, 2011

Capt. Cristobal Baca

So I finally broke down and paid for a subscription to and let me tell you the journey I've taken, in the last view days, has been amazing to say the least.

I learned that we are the direct descendants to the first male Baca to be born in New Mexico. We have famous ancestors such as Christopher Columbus through marriage and we could possibly be related to the Duke of Albuquerque himself. I've learned about dark spots of our history such as Native American salves, I've learned about the bright spots of our history such as a war hero, named Capt. Cristobal Baca.

These are the jewels I had hoped to find and here they are simply laid before my eyes. I was skeptical at first I checked and double checked dates and names. I made sure I wasn't jumping the gun and getting too excited but low and behold I had every right to be.

So here I am, finally, with a path set before me, to tell the story of the Baca's both fact and fiction.

I still have a lot more research to do but I feel like the blank page before me is being written by my ancestors.


  1. this is so coooool. i've always had an interest in my ancestry as well!

  2. I looked up my family tree. Turns out, I'm sap.

    ; )


  3. Has me thinking about where I came from :)
